Hello guys!
So i created a actor with a mesh and let it follows the spline to move.
But when my actor move along spline, it collision just not working. I already set it collision to “Block All” but it still move through the cube. And i create a blocking volumn for both but only my pawn get block.
Untitled Project1212.wmv (28.0 MB)
How are you moving it along the spline? Are you setting world position for the actor for each point along the spline?
Yes. I create each point for the spline and set it world position to follow along the spline!
Ok, SetLocation teleports the actor into that location so the collision isn’t being ignored, it’s just being forced into that location.
What do you want to happen when it collides with something?
I think i don’t want to make the actor teleports into the location. I just want it has the collision when i go along the spline.
What do you want to happen when it collides with something?
Another project:
As you can see the ship is moving in the water and i want to simulate the shallow water but it need to have the collision when the ship moving along the spline.
Don’t know how to get that, but you could use the spline to direct the rotation and still use the movement system keeping the collisions active.
Something like this when you spawn in the spline.
That way you’re still moving the pawn as normal, only rotating it according to the spline
Here’s what it looks like, the actor at the beginning of the spline and I set the rotation to the closest point of the spline as it moves forward. The Spline goes into the cube but the Actor cannot pass through because the collisions are working.
Yes. Thank you. I will mark that for solution.
And if anyone be like me remember to check the complex collision in your mesh if you mesh don’t have the collision.