My level won't open and disappeared in content browser | Failed to load map! Umap appears to be an asset file

The level won’t open and is lost. “Failed to load map! Umap appears to be an asset file” But it appears in the file explorer! Help me, I’ve been working on this project for months and the whole game is in this lost level.


Greetings @gokword

Welcome back to the Unreal Engine Community Forums! With the umap showing on disk and not in browser it makes me wonder if the UE version has changed. Did you make this file on a different version of UE or have you tried opening it in older versions of UE? If not, I’d start by trying that. I’d also try removing your intermediate folder from the project folder(Copy and paste it somewhere else temporarily to test and see if it shows back up). Let me know if that works. Thanks!

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Thanks for your concern.

A few hours after I got the error last night, I remembered that autosaved levels. I’ve started working with them, so I’ll be taking backups from now on! Thank you.

Btw, I didn’t make a version change.

Oh, I see! Well, I’m glad the issue was resolved. Have a great day!

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