I can create a level sequencer all fine and well however there seems to be no way to make it play not via nodes nor via autoplay.
Hi berahazar,
You need to reference the Level Sequence Actor and then do “Get Sequence Player” off of it. After that, you can create all of the control nodes (i.e. Play).
Moving this out of Bug Reports.
doesnt work for me
Could you elaborate?
How did you get this resolved ? I’m still having difficulty
For me I had to redo the shot track to get it to work
There are two primary ways of triggering a sequence. You can drop a Sequence Actor in the level and use the above mentioned method (also see here). You can also use the “[Create Level Sequence Player][2]” node to play a sequence that has no level sequence actor (sort of like spawning one to play on the fly).
I’d like to note that there was some refactoring to how Create Level Sequence Player works in 4.15. There are some known issues when using it in 4.14.
If it isn’t playing, for any reason, please make a new Answerhub thread about it as this one is rather old. There may be a more specific reason it isn’t working for you.
I’m also experiencing this bug wherein when I play my level sequence using the level sequence actor it plays the level sequence but does not render it in the viewport. I’m pretty sure it’s playing since I have an event that fires when the cinematics is already done but it surprisingly does not render in our screen. I’m currently using the 4.15 version of unreal. This bug only happens sometimes.
Hi AlsonEntuna,
First off, with your screenshot. Create Level Sequence Player is a wholly separate way of playing sequences than referencing a Sequence Actor in the level. You generally don’t want to use both. What you have circled is the Sequence Actor Reference (which isn’t hooked up to anything) and is unnecessary if using Create Level Sequence Player.
Second, are you using a camera cut track? Playing the sequence won’t just use a camera in your sequence without a Camera Cut track.
The “Create Level Sequencer” node has been overhauled since this bug was entered and I highly doubt that what you’re seeing is the same issue. If my suggestions didn’t help, please open a new thread.
Hi ,
Thank you for answering. Alsi sorry for the misconception on the screenshot that I posted. The one encircled was my first imementation and then when I saw this page I changed from Level Sequence Actor to create level sequence player. Not sure what happened why it did not play on the packaged game at first but when we cooked content for windows it worked fine afterwards. Could you explain why we need to do cooking content? We’re using git and somehow we’re speculating that git has something to do with it since this cinematic was already implemented months ago and it just started to do weird things like play the cinematic but the camera does not render the cut track I made. But cooking content seems to solve the problem everytime.
Thank you,
Cooking is a necessary part of packaging your game to ship. If you have further questions about it, please search the community and documentation and consider creating a thread with any further questions you may have.
Git shouldn’t really change the way the editor behaves unless you’ve modified engine content or added plugins.
If it doesn’t work then just drag the camera cut to the end of the sequence in the timeline
My problem was the objects lost reference. It was probably a user error but I’ll leave this here.
Keep the sequencer window open and then play, you’ll see the tracked objects become red (reference lost). Right click on them and assign actors again.
how didd you solve it?