What I am hoping to achieve is when user presses on button, an actor (in FloatingAudio class) will spawned at target point and at the same time, audiocapture starts recording. And when button is released, audiocapture stops recording and the actor will start hovering (determined by whether boolean ‘it is in’ is true or false).
I am having troubles spawning the actor a second time, even though the set-up works on the first try. On the second try, the second audio recording will take place, but my 2nd instance doesn’t appear.
Every key just responds to 1 actor in default but you can change it.
Click on your key event and go to “Details” and remove the tick from “Consume Input”
Nope, considering that the first instance would have already moved away. But i say this assuming that the 2nd instance has a life on its own right… the first instance could be hovering and floating around the space, but when i call for the 2nd instance, it will still spawn at the target point, no?