My Huge Concern About The Blueprints Marketplace

Guys, there is no need to argue with him. He has no idea what he is talking about (you can see that on his delusional marketplace “reviews” and other crazy videos), he is a troll.

I think this is very clear:

Made it yourself from scratch and want to sell it? Good to go.
Used something else (no matter how broken it is) and build on-top of it, got it fixed and wants to sell? Nope.

Asks a question about something
Gets correct answer from everybody
Argues everybody is wrong and that he knows the correct answer but still asked anyway


There is a differende between a derivative work, an a transformative work.
The OP is asking us if his/her changes are sufficient to qualify as “transformative” instead of “derivative.”
You will only get a REAL answer to that in court, if it ever becomes important enough (in $$ value) to go there.
You will get the answer that matters from Unreal Marketplace staff, if you submit your work for sale and they evaluate whether they think it’s derivative or transformative.

A better option in my opinion is to take what you’ve learned, and re-implement the functionality from scratch (using your own names for the components/blueprints/etc) and then call that your own.

They will most definitely reject this.

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to chime in here to alleviate any confusion. We do not allow the use of anyone else’s content to be sold on our Marketplace. This includes content you have altered or copied. These submissions are rejected once they’re found out and if they do end up on Marketplace, violators of this rule will have their content removed and are no longer invited back as Marketplace sellers.

For any further questions about this, you can reach out to me or read our FAQ’s that can be found here: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games. If anyone notices this kind of instance in the future please feel free to report it to me and the team through:



The Unreal staff still haven’t answered my questions. Do blueprints fall under my own creation if the blueprints had to be recreated drastically to a certain percentage or if they serve a similar function.

Because I would rather create my own blueprints that are superior than the similar versions to pre-existing blueprints that are currently available or if I had used similar code but a larger portion of it is mostly my own.

what more answer do you need?

How do you know your own blueprints are superior? could it be because you’re using the existing ones for learning and applying that new knowledge to make your own?

No. Assets purchased through the Marketplace cannot be resold, distributed, or sublicensed on the Marketplace or other similar websites even if the asset has been modified. The situation you have described here is against the rules and will be rejected.

Sometimes it is just wrong words being put in here.
If you are recreating a large part of it, most probably you can come up with your new BP faster than fixing the old ones. You can just look at the existing code/bp and get inspired, and create new BP from that. It is that simple. Be smart not to use the same variables /function name as it meant that you copy/paste part of it (and therefore, your work is derivative from others - not allowed).

Quotation straight from the business terms:

Blueprints are considered intellectual property in the same sense scripted code is.
The fact that Blueprints are directly convertible to C++ further enforces this.
You’re entitled to make your own changes for to suit the purposes you require but you cannot claim original authorship for works you have altered unless it is entirely trans-formative, an example would be to post reviews using footage which is protected under fair use as it is a form of criticism.
What you cannot do is create direct derivatives from existing work and claim you went through the discovery and intellectual processes required when creating original works.

E: Beaten to it by Smarkoff :smiley:

This is one lesson learned. There is nothing to learn here than to waste my time here on the forums. Nothing was accomplished,no questions were answered. All I witnessed were a bunch of threats from Unreal staff for being very anti-capitalist. I am glad there are other paywalls elsewhere.

I would sincerely suggest not trying to bypass Epic with this one.
It would be wise to ensure you own the rights to all content you release publicly because audio and blueprints are covered even if you edited some of the content.

Publishing the altered pack like what you’ve just done on your channel may result in you being subject to copyright infringement complaints which Epic take very seriously.

It’s your own fault for buying code blueprints; You should be very well aware of the risk.

The blueprint system is designed to provide people with very low understanding of programming paradigms… to develop programmable systems.
It’s acceptable that the great majority of blueprint systems published are made by people that don’t really understand what they’re doing, because they have close to no previous experience designing tools to be used by third-party developers.
There are many many many mistakes (many) I’ve seen in blueprint code that are published to the Marketplace; Most of the time the author is using a “Unity developer mindset” to build the systems and ignore many of the possible compatibility with Unreal Engine’s internal systems itself. That may work for the project the blueprint is designed into, but once you implement the thing inside a real game project then everything starts to fall apart.

There’s only a few I’ve seen doing a really great job (because those authors are actually good programmers).

But, well, no; You cannot rework someone else’s “Advanced XX System” and republish it even if you’ve made it work properly.

Good luck because that won’t stop me for creating even more blueprints and secondly you have to prove it with hard evidence otherwise they are just empty threats. It’s not my fault that there is better competition than you. I intend to be better than most at creating a better quality product. I will not stop reviewing and I am done being taken advantage of and treated as a fool by Unreal.

A: not my pack, looking out for people who took the time to create their own systems rather than derivatives of other works.

B: this entire thread is evidence

C: Unreal is the product, not the company, Company being Epic games.

Speculation is the correct word.

Anyways I got blueprints to write and things to accomplish and arguing with trolls isn’t going to get me anywhere.

Thank you for showing us the personality behind “Unreal Marketplace Reviews”.

It seems like you are describing yourself here.