My House is Black after Building the lights

Hello Online_Learner_xjPDw, thank you for posting and thank you L1z4rD89 for asking such an astute question.

Welcome to the community Online_Learner_xjPDw. Though there are some tough spots with learning new software, escpecially as expansive as Unreal Engine, I hope you will be able to find your solution soon.

I agree with L1z4rD89 and if possible, can you let us know of any warnings that appear?
Here is a rather informative thread that goes over the same concerns you have, if you would like to take a gander.

Also, here is another thread that has the possibility of you needing a skylight and ensure it is set to movable.

If the house itself is black, I would consider checking out the UVs and seeing if the lightmap coordinates have any overlaps (red lines). You can read more on this here.

There are many potential causes but overall, the warnings you provide us here will be most beneficial.

We look forward to your replies.