My game is stuck on Review Process

Hello friends. My game Fursan al-Aqsa Remake ( is stuck on the review process. Before registering myself on the Epic Developer Portal, I have been talking with EPIC Games Store Staff, because my game has 2 versions, the old version which I developed in UDK Engine (UE3) and the new version, Remake, which I am developing in UE4.

My game is already on Steam:

But getting it on EPIC Games Store is very important for me, since I know that EGS is growing, and as a small solo indie game developer, I need to get my game on as much places I can.

On Steam, whenever the player launches the game, he will see a custom launcher which allows him to select which version to play (Classic or Remake).

The first information EPIC Staff told me is that I should make my game as a Product with the Remake as the base offer and then make the old version as another offer (addon) tied to the base game offer, and each offer has its own artifact and binaries.

So I have done this and sent to review. But on the review process, the review team told me that I can not bundle 2 games as 2 tied game offer.

So I contacted again the EGS Support team (Case 00546736) and the guy who told me to make 2 game offers apologized and told me that they made updates on the Self Publishing Tools so it will not be possible to do that way, but, for the better, he allowed me to make just like on Steam, both versions of the game in the same artifact and my custom launcher to allow players select which version to launch.

For me this is excellent, just like the steam build of my game. So I expired the addon offer (Fursan al-Aqsa Classic), just like the review team asked me to do, and sent again to review, but one week has passed and I did not receive any feedback.

The last comments of the review team was that my game was approved, I just needed to expire the addon offer and let only the base game offer. I have done this, but, as I said, I did not receive any feedback yet.

Please, give more attention to users, since on Steam, whenever I open a support ticket, I receive an answer in the same day, rarely they take more than one day to answer me.

I know the review process may take some time, but since the review team already asked me to make some changes on my game’s store page, which I made, and these changes were approved. The only thing missing was to expire the tied offer (Fursan al-Aqsa Classic). I have done it since last week but did not receive any feedback.


Hi there,

We apologize we weren’t able to respond as soon as we would like, as mentioned in our response to your private case we are in the final steps of the review process for your title. While we aim for a swift and easy process in review, each title is unique and may require additional time. We hope to be able to provide you with that official response soon.


Hello my friend. Ok, I will wait! I am very excited for having my game published on the EGS!!!

But just a doubt. I remember that the review team said about my game that “everything is approved, you just need to expire the addon offer”. I expired the addon offer. So it should be ready for live, right? Why you said that may require additional time? Is there a problem or restriction over my game?

My game is on Steam,, Gamejolt, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, IndieDB, ModDB, and elsewhere. I just did not release it on Playstation and Xbox because at the moment I don’t have funds to buy the PS4/PS5/Xbox devkits, but my game concept was approved by Sony to release on the Playstation Platform and by Microsoft to release on the Xbox Platforms. I even got the Unreal Engine Source Code for consoles, provided by your Unreal Engine team, after they confirmed my status as a registered Playstation and Xbox Developer.

All the best,
Nidal Nijm.

Hello my friend. Any news on my game’s review process? Why it is taking too long? Steam Review process took no more than 10 days. Can you check please?