About a week ago, I was updating Fortnite and when I checked on it within an hour, I realized it was still 1%. Usually, it would’ve been over 50% but for some reason, it’s really slow. Is there any way I can fix this? If so, please tell me!
It seems your question relates to Fortnite and not Unreal Engine. Please use the Official Fortnite Forum to make your query.
This website is for UE4 developers to get assistance with game and engine development.
For issues with Fortnite (such as crashes or account issues) visit the troubleshooting site [Fortnite Help][1]. If you aren’t able to fix the issue you can contact Epic support using the [Contact Us][2] form and they will reply back to you by email. If you have a question or want to discuss the game please visit the [Fortnite Forums][3].
Thank you
strong text
fortnite es el mejor
juego lo tienes que jugar instalalo inisia sesion y lo tendras si tienes problemas pone inisiar sesion con tu cuenta de feisbook
one of the previous fortnite update took me 6 hours after being of 1-2gb in size.
hope this season 5 update of 6.67gb ends before the season does