I would like to say thanks to the awesome developers for the amazing work!
I would also like to tell what I noticed that I disliked or find lacking.
First nose customization was pretty limited and the jaw customization was very basic so I couldn’t really work with jawline and cheeks and the face bone sharpness and the texture of the skin near the chin was very stretched and looked abit bad around the chin and we cannot really customize the chin as much as we would like also I would like to no if we could have access to the hair texture to create new hairstyle because the texture work was 100/100 for the hair I was really amazed. Finally eyebrows and eyes lack of customization for shape and style I could not give an almond shape for eyes like it was just moving them a bit and changing a little bit the contour shape but I couldn’t do what I wanted I think all the suggestions I listed above should be implemented because this tools could give some people the power to create without a course of using maya or blender or whatever tool a dev would use… For example I am an interior architect and I am very excited about metaverse and metahuman I would put alot of time in it if those things would be possible you could for example drop of an hair template so we can create new hair style and upload them on our local files no need to upload them in your server haha! I am excited about seeing the body customization that could be added in the future like shaping the muscles for abs or whatever you have in mind.