Hi there, I’m trying to import a mesh with an armature and two animations, which has been exported from blender according to every tutorial i’ve found. It worked before only now, when I check the “Import as Skeletal” option, the window changes and won’t allow me to import or change options.
Hi Jacky, I’ve already found a solution moments after posting this issue. It seems that a specific variable in Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\EditorUserSettings.ini has to be set manually in order to fix this problem. I am using version 4.7.5, but apparently this problem existed with earlier versions.
It seems that a specific variable in Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs\EditorUserSettings.ini has to be set manually in order to fix this problem.
EDIT that variable is
bImportRigidMesh under [/Script/UnrealEd.FbxImportUI]