My Dynamic Camera won't spin around

Can anyone tell me why my camera won’t spin around? I’m new at this and hope someone would help me.

What you’re showing looks fine. How do you know it’s not spinning? Are you looking through this camera?

Yes. I tried to simulate it through that viewpoint but it didn’t spin around.

Are you looking through this camera?

Yes. I tried to simulate it through that viewpoint but it didn’t spin around.

What does it mean? That’s contradictory, if you’re simulating, you’re definitely not looking through it, yet you say “yes”. Could you please clarify how you’re testing it?

You could also double check whether the rotation component is enable:


It should be auto-activated.

I mean, I click play in that Blueprint (inside the DynamicCamera Blueprint Graph) since I follow a youtube tutorial that doing it and thank you, I’ll try the auto-activated since in the youtube video tutorial I didn’t see the guy doing that. Maybe I missed it or anything.

So it’s not simulation then. But does it rotate during simulation:

I click play in that Blueprint

How do you ensure you’re looking through that camera? How do you know which camera you are using? It’s an actor:


How do you switch to its viewpoint?

Well, I had it like this from the start?

And this one from the video tutorial I have.

Well, I had it like this from the start?

What did you have from the start? I see the Play button, and I can see Simulate. What are you referring to? Play is for PIE - Play (the game) in Editor. Simulate is for simulating behaviours in the local viewport outside of the game.

Sorry, mate, those 2 screenshots don’t tell us much :frowning: If you need help, please clarify:

  • have you tried using simulation to see if the camera rotates, like in the tutorial, does it work?
  • if it does, and the PIE camera does not rotate while you play the game, how are you switching to this camera’s point of view?

This is what the tut does:

And this is what you say you do:

I mean, I click play in that Blueprint

By the sound of it, you’re not following the tutorial and hit Play instead of Simulate.
Hope you can see why this is confusing.

Because when I click in the DynamicCamera Blueprint Editor, I only saw these on my Play button? I tried to find any similar button like him. My UE is 4.72.2

His screen is very small, so his UI is compressed…

Yes, I did use the Simulate but it still did nothing. :frowning: Not only that, in the previous tut I did Action Menu like ‘Attack’, ‘Magic’, ‘Items’, etc but now it didn’t showed up as well. I already checked or rewatch the video several times, even carefully checking it with my eyes if I had missed small details but it still not works.

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Simulate is for previewing things only. It has no impact on gameplay whatsoever anyway.

Admittedly, there was a bug once, long time ago where the actual Simulate button was missing for some people.

  • restart the editor, see if its back
  • if that does not help, bind a new shortcut in Editor Preferences (try X) it’s probably not used for anything here:

See if you can activate it with the shortcut instead.

Alright, I’ll try to use key binding. Thanks. Hope it would be fixed though.

4.27.2 was the latest version UE4. :expressionless:

If I start searching for it, I can see some hits: