My controls that are on pc dont work for mobile

So recently i have created a 3d person obstical game that i made for mobile and i have been previewing it on pc and everything has been working.So i went and tryed it on mobile and everything was perfect to however two character controls havent been working.The first one is wall running (which allows the player to run on walls when holding space bar) and double jump (which allows the player to jump twice when they press space bar).So the way this works is that when the collision box on the player touches the wall with the tag " jamal " the players vision gets tilted to simulate running on a wall and the player starts running on the wall.However the player is detecting the wall and tilting its vision but is just falling off it.And the double jump in general doesnt work but isnt the main issue.I believe the problem lies with the controls as they both have space bar in common and both work on pc but not phone.I have spent ages trying to fix this but i have not suceeded and would really appreciate it if you spent your time trying to help me as i am only 14 and dont have alot of experience.Many thanks (unfortunatly i have not been able fit all of my code in one picture and so the pictures carry on from each other)