My Client can't shoot for whatever reason.

I’m making a multiplayer third-person shooter, and I can’t get my client to shoot for whatever reason. The server seems to work just fine.

My BP_Weaponbase BP_WeaponBase posted by TheFuriouswc | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

My Spawnmanger SpawnManager posted by TheFuriouswc | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

My Shoot Logic Shoot posted by TheFuriouswc | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

Most likely it’s the way you are trying to reference the character class using
Get Player Character (index). This is used in Single Player / COOP.

This will work on the server but it only ever gets the first player to join. If using Listen Server setup, Player hosting as server, Then Player 0 is the Host and Server.

If the weapon is spawned by the server proxy character, or attached to the character you can do the following to get/set a reference to the owning character.

You’d run the following code off of begin play in the weapon class. Might need to use a delay node depending on your set up.

Another concerning section is the Get All Actors of Class Loop for setting the weapon reference.

Get All Actors of Class (BP_WeaponBase_C) will get a reference to every BP_WeaponBase_C actor in the simulation. Not just the one on the shooting character.

If you have 4 players and each has a weapon it will get those too.

Then there’s the loop → cast → set reference part.

Again, if there are 4 weapons in the game world you’re setting the current shooting characters weapon base ref 4 times each time you fire a single shot. You’re also not guaranteed to use your characters specific weapon. The last index is what you will be using. It’s what every player will be using.

Next, I’m seeing a lot of switch has authorityMulticasts etc for doing a single shot. Not to mention you’re shooting from the server and replicating that down. Any player with a ping over 30ms is going to feel input lag. When a player presses Fire a shot mechanic should happen on the client immediately (fakey for responsiveness). Your approach adds full ping + server processing delays.

Player with a 100ms ping on a 30Hz server will have each shot fired delayed by 133.333ms minimum.

You should be setting a reference in an inventory as soon as the weapon is spawned for the player.

On Input Fire you should be checking that reference is valid and then call the Shoot functionality directly from that reference.

My setup is for dedicated server. It’s a Client-Fakey Server Auth model.
Client Fire Weapon event determines firing mode in the weapon class.

The Mode calls the correct firing logic (semi-auto, burst, automatic)

The Firing Mode event (SemiAutoFiring) calls a function that executes the logic to fire a single shot on the client. Then calls Srv Fire Weapon. The server inturn takes the same exact course of action.

SRV SemiAutoFiring event is called which executes the Single_AuthoritativeFiring function. The Authoritative firing function itself calls the MC Single Shot Fired event so simulated proxies will execute a localized shot on each of the “other” clients.

Sorry I took so long to respond to you. I’m not all that familiar with server and replication. I a new developer could elaborate on some your point more.

What needs clarification?

So how exactly do the inventory and singleautomous firing work

I use a slot based inventory. It holds all references to the items I have.

AC_Inventory is an actor component in the player state class.

Any item that’s represented as an attached/rendered asset uses an Actor Obj reference. Items not rendered (ammo, health kits etc) are stored as simple data.

For UI representation I do data table lookups to fetch icons and other information.

Weapon slots are actor obj references of the base weapon class (parent). When a weapon is equipped (in hand) I set current weapon.

e.g. If I equip Primary Weapon 1 I set Current Weapon = Primary Weapon 1

This variable simplifies communication vs a monstrous conditional nest of “is this the right weapon” checks. I use is to call events in the class. Fire, reload, toggle fire mode etc. The weapon class itself has an inventory for its attachments. Muzzle, stock, optic, grip, mag type, cosmetics etc. My game allows me to customize weapons based on attachments found in the world. I can also drop fully equipped weapons. When another player picks it up it has all the attachments, cosmetics that I applied… including the ammo in mag, current firing mode etc.

What does single simulated firing do?

Simulated proxies are a copy of you on all other client simulations. Single Simulated Firing would be your copy on my game firing a shot.

Specifically it handles the montage/animation for firing, the FX for firing, and initializing a local projectile from a bullet pool. All of which is specific to simulated proxies.