Hello, I am using the “Advanced Locomotion System” in my project and everything was working fine. I downloaded a dynamic snake movement system, and that worked just fine, but when I went back to my levels and switched the game mode back over to advanced locomotion, the movement doesn’t work anymore! The character is the right one, and some buttons work, like activate slow-mo and change skin, but I can’t move or look around.
Is there some main player input reader thing that is still taking those buttons as snake inputs, therefore not translating to move for my character (But since the slow-mo and skin change buttons would do nothing in the snake game, they still work?) Plz Halp
Do you change your game mode via world settings or in blueprints?
Sometimes people forget that world settings calling for a game mode and they calling another game mode from blueprint.
I’ll take a look now. I imagine somewhere in the snake controlling blueprint is taking priority no matter the game mode. If I have the snake BP placed in the level, it will take priority over loading my character. The snake will work perfectly, so I guess I need to maybe just unhook something on the snake?
I totally disconnected all the Event BeginPlay and Controller inputs on the snake, but character is still not responding to movement keys. His Event Graph and everything is the same as it was before.
I got it! The snake game totally changed the Input section of my project settings. Axis input and action input was all for snake game. So deleting those and replacing them with exactly how they are setup in the Advanced Locomotion project worked perfectly!
I got it! The snake game totally changed the Input section of my project settings. Axis input and action input was all for snake game. So deleting those and replacing them with exactly how they are setup in the Advanced Locomotion project worked perfectly!