My character needs to recompile every time I open Unreal

I created a child of my player anim and I retargeted the child to a new skeleton. Now the player character blueprint wants a new compile every time we open the engine.

I think is the same problem explained [here][1], but I have no reference to any other blueprint.
Can someone help me?

Hi, hmm I think you don’t need to create a child of a Character animation blueprint,
CharacterAnimationBlueprint is a child of AnimInstance class so you only need one per character.
Did you try to just make it work with CharacterAnimationBlueprint having AnimInstance for parent?
And make Anim Montages from your animations,you can play them with PlayAnimMontage(),
which is a Character class function.
When you open the blueprint you also have the option “File->Reparent” and you can easily reparent it to AnimInstance Class.