My character model's left wrist was twisted when using animation

My character model’s left wrist was twisted when using animation, so I asked the character model merchant for help, and he told me the solution, but I’m new to UE5 and couldn’t understand his solution at all. Can anyone help me? Can you tell me the detailed steps? Below are pictures of twisted wrists and pictures of merchants’ solutions.

character model merchant said:“In your animation, the “lowerarm_twist_01_…” bone is not animated. You can rotate this bone and record the animation key. I gave an example of a character from Paragon, his arm rotates the same way.”

Figures 1 and 2 are pictures of solutions and examples given to me by the merchant, and Figures 3 and 4 are pictures of my problem.

Like you mentioned lowerarm_twist_01_l does not automatically rotate with the animation. It is weighted (vertices follow it) so if you do not animate the bone while the wrist rotates than these vertices will stay stationary causing the weird twist.

The simplest solution is to enter the animation where the twist occurs and animate lowerarm_twist_01_l by hand rotating it up the the point where the motion looks correct.

You could also procedurally rotate the bone inside of the animation blueprint with the modify bone transform feeding in information taken from the rotation of lowerarm_l and hand_l and averaging it, but that’s a little more complex to implement.

Thanks for your answer, I’m trying to modify the rotation animation every time I need it