My Character (Link) is missing the pelvis and root, How do I make them?

I’ve downloaded Link, and rigged him, but his missing the pelvis and root.
I’ve heard the pelvis is the Spine_01 is that right?.
But how do I make the root.
Can you also explain what those 2 are for.

Hi Sammyjskj,

I’m not familiar with the Link character and do not know what program you used to rig him, but here’s some info to start with:

The root bone or joint you are missing is important because that is what communicates to the engine where the character moves throughout the world. In the image below you see the root joint is point on the ground that is not skinned to any body part of the character. Instead the characters body is simply moved around following this point:

To create this in your 3D program, add a joint at the world origin then make that joint the parent of all subsequent joints or bones as seen in outliner on the left. Whether the next bone is called the pelvis or spine 01 or something else is not important, but it should be the bone the entire character pivots on. In this instance, that joint is the “pelvis” and is located where the two legs meet in the center.

Thank you