So, i am using UE4’s ThirdPersonBlueprint to make a game, and i now have a problem where i spawn in the middle of nowhere, i can fly, and i can go through walls. I do have a PlayerStart and i do know UE4 pretty well but i just dont know what is causing this problem. Please Help, if you need screenshots, then i can show you screenshots, i have too much in my game that i cant just get rid of because i cant figure out what is causing this to happen. Here is a screenshot of my world settings
If you can walk through walls, your character and or static mesh collision setup is likely the issue. Your character is the Pawn, which needs to be blocked by static meshes, normally done via the collision collider, which should be around the character mesh.
Salutations ,
In addition to unit23’s comment which is definitely on the right path I’d like to suggest that once you get the project in working order you place it under version control.
Using a free application like Source Tree will make setting this up very friendly and easy.
Once you have this setup you’ll always be able to return your project to a nice working state.
P.S. For those that might say to use P4 instead, I am just suggesting git/source tree here because it would be a very fast/easy way for them to learn the basics of source control.