My character animations no blending correctly.

So I have been having this issue since over 3 months and been asking and searching left and right and unable to find a fix. Briefly, I have a character with three animations: idle, walk, run. I have created a 1D blendpace and inserted these animations to blend between them when the character is changing speed. Idle to Walk, blend perfectly without issues. Now the problem comes for the transition from walk to run, the whole body blend correctly except the right arm of my character that rotates in an opposite direction. To be more clear, the arm should rotate forward for 30 degree to reach the position of arm in the run animation but instead of doing this it rotate 150 degree to reach that same position (it rotates backward to reach the run position). After spending days of searching, I found something that can be the issue but no sure how to do it. I remarked that the right arm that causing an issue, when rotated forward the angle goes from zero to negative values (-30) whereas the left arm rotate in the positive range (+30). So I guess there is a direction issue and the right arm is seeing the backward rotation as the positive direction which explains why it rotates in the opposite direction. Not sure if my explanation is clear enough, but been struggling with this for over 3 months an unable to find a fix. If someone has any idea would be thankful! Thanks for taking the time to read my mess!