I’m trying to create a drivable car in Unreal engine 5.3 but there is a problem.
The car I imported from Blender appears to be on two wheels when normally it should be standing on four wheels so it bounces when I drive the car in the viewport which causes the car to flip over.
I have tried several times to find a solution to this problem but without success so I would like to know how to make the car behave correctly.
try to adjust its center of mass,lower it a little bit.and increase suspension hight.
yes,-10 might not be enough,try begin with -100( 1 meter)
Looks like it’s colliding with the ground.check physics asset.make sure it’s collision body isn’t too low
That’s what I think too but normally the bodywork should not touch the ground depending on these parameters:
Drag the box up a bit and test it
if doesn’t work,drag it extremely high and test again.so we can be sure it has nothing to do with collision.
It seems to be getting better but the handling…