i Made a car like in the tutorial but when i change the wheel physics to kinematik and simulate my car just flys away realy fast, it dont falls to the ground.
I’m experiencing the same issue both in 4.2.1 and in 4.3.
I tried different car setups, one very simple with just a block, four cylinders and five bones. Everything works fine until the wheel physics are changed to kinematic, then the car goes completely crazy.
i noticed at cars where the Wheel Physic Volumes arent touching the rest of the car i dont get this bug, also im somtimes abel to use sutch a bugy (?) physic for my Blueprint.Then the car is working, like at my torino ( link text ) he also has this bug but is driving nice.
I also had my vehicle fly straight up once I set the wheels’ “Physics Type” to “Kinematic”. This happens in the game and also already once I press “Simulate” in the PhysicsAsset and vehicle blueprint. For me the problem went away once I set the “Bone Name” fields correctly in the vehicle blueprint.
Note that once I set the bone names for all my wheels the vehicle behaves correctly in the game and in the vehicle blueprint simulation. In the simulation of the PhysicsAsset it still flies up though. It seems that any wheel without the Bone Name setup will drag the vehicle up.
1.Make sure you switch world coordinated axis in Maya or MayaLT to Z up. (This can be done in the preferences window. Realign vehicle or build new facing X forward)
2.Make sure your pivot transformations for all meshes are reset (example: transform, rotation, scale = 1,1,1. use the freeze transformations option)
3.Make sure your Wheel pivots are centered to your wheel mesh. (use the center pivot option, then bake pivot)
It is important to bake pivot! Your wheel pivots make be positioned in the center of the wheels on screen, but they are still calculated at zero offset after freezing transforms and exported at center of world (x 0, y0, z0)
I come from a max background, and this was new to me, and caused a big headache. Hope this helps anyone. Thanks