My camera goes through the character mesh

I have a problem: my third person camera, when is near a wall, passes through the character mesh. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Are you using an SpringArm? In that case, did you try to unchek “Do Collision Test”?


Yes I did, but if I uncheck Do Collision Test the camera goes through the wall

Try to adjust your springarm location. If location is inside your mesh then camera will pass through it when near a wall.

Could you show the screen of your springarm details and position (like my example)?

I tried but it didn’t work

  1. Location of the springarm is right inside the pelvis of the character. Camera moves to this position when it is close to wall.
    So 2) Try to move the springarm somewhere I showed.

my springarm details

I fix it! I change the camera x location to -10 and I resized the capsule half height and the capsule radius
Thanks a lot!

but I have another question: how can I do to block the camera view at the knee height? Because I don’t want to see the soles of shoes when the player moves

I do not know yet. I think it is better to post another question, maybe someone else knows the answer.

Accept the answer if you do not have another comments to your main question.

ok thanks again!