My Blueprint -> Filter: Show variables not in use

This would help a bunch with blueprint clean-up! Nothing quite like have a bunch of variables that you’re not sure are being used or not when you go to clean up the code.

Agreed, it is annoying to have to go through every variable and check it’s references when you have 50 variables. This would save lots of time and effort, I am all for this!

I’m all for this also. Sometimes I do a lot of prototyping creating variables I then realize I no longer need this would be nice clean up feature.

I am working here in 4.7 and just noticed that while in a blueprint you can go to Edit -> Delete Unused Variables, maybe that helps?

That helps tremendously, ty!

I would, however, like a filter though. There may be a few that are unused yet, but will be used at some point though. With a filter, I could manually delete the ones that I know I am not going to use.

Good Spot! This is good enough for me. I do agree with Savior however atleast there is something tho :slight_smile: