My BluePrint Door Mesh is missing the Interfaces tab.

I apologise in advance for not being very informed on the proper terminology of certain things in the engine. So bare with me while I try to explain this as accurately as I can.

I’m following a game dev’s Udemy course. It’s only about 15% into the course and I’m trying my best to follow as accurately and thoroughly as I possibly can. Rewatching every thing he does to make sure I’m doing it properly. To make sure I could follow as accurately as possible, I installed the exact same version that he had. All good and dandy for the most part until he was going over creating doors and how to interact with them to get them to open. He did the blueprint that tells the door to open if the player interacts with him. His works, mine doesn’t. No biggy, I must have missed something, I go back to double check. I noticed that his options under his “My Blueprint” tab to the left of the mesh viewport is missing an Interfaces section. Under this Interfaces drop down, there is the “Interaction”… thing. Mine doesn’t have this and as much as I have searched I can’t find a way to get my Interfaces tab to show in the same area. Both “+Add New” and “+Add Component” don’t have an Interfaces option. I’ve looked under View, Assets, and Window on the top menu, nothing seems to work. I’m not sure why this is happening and but I’m confident that this is my problem.

There is no interfaces tab in UE4.

I seem to recall you just actually have to search for the interface call in the usual list that comes up when you right click in the graph.

The main thing is, did you ‘implement’ the interface. That was still in the class settings