My blueprint causes a crash when I save it

same stack report as this mentioned here

My unreal 4 version is [4.5.1]

Now my whole graduation project is suspended because of this :confused:

Recreating the blueprint from scratch would fix that, but my blueprint class is a bit big (a character :/), so it is not a practical solution.

Any idea???

Hi ,

Can you post your logs and dxdiag here so we can have a look? Thank you!

link text
link text

here you go

Hi ,

After looking at your dxdiag, I noticed that you are using an integrated graphics card, do you have another card that you can use? Additionally, if you remove the character “Wizard” from your characters folder, do you still get the crash?

I have Nvidia 540m, but it doesnt show on dxdiag (forgot to mention that, my bad). but it is fully functional.

I get the crash when i save the Wizard blueprint ONLY, like if i save anything else, its fine, but this “Wizard” blueprint is under some sort of dark spell :confused:

What was the last thing you added before the crash started occurring?

This was the last thing i added, Coloring Arrow component in runtime, but I do not think that it would be helpful for you.

On side note, before having the wizard blueprint, i had another blueprint which does what the wizard does now (used to be “TopDownCharacter”), but after re-factored, it went corrupted, and caused the engine to crash on startup, so i had to recreate it from scratch, even changed the name.

As far as i “feel”, there is something wrong with blueprints, like behind the scenes, something gets messed up…Noticed that while using UMG, since i had it crashed multiple times just by pressing ctrl+z to undo.

One last thing i noticed, sometimes when a blueprint is referenced to another, and vice-versa, if you compile one, the other would go dirty and require compilation again.

Is your wizard referencing anything? If so does that other blueprint reference the wizard in return?

My wizard is referencing to the player controller, and my player controller is referencing to the wizard… Is that a bad practice?

It may be a circular dependency, which is currently being assessed by the development staff for a fix. Try removing one of those references and see if you still get the crash.

Tried removing player controller reference from my wizard, still crashes


Tried removing wizard reference from player controller, crashed as well :confused:

Ok well the good news is that it isn’t a circular dependency. Do you have a stripped down copy of the project you would be comfortable sharing with me? I would be more than happy to take a look and see what may be occurring. If you are, you can private message me the link on the forums at

Currently im not using version control, thus my project is not uploaded on any server :confused: , I wouldnt mind share my project with you lol, its just a simple graduation project xD. a sandbox game…

However, the project size on disk is 1 GB :confused: would take time to upload…

Any other idea?

If you create a dropbox (it is free) at you can upload it there and then share the link with me (right click file>share link). Unfortunately without either the project or repro steps that consistently reproduce the crash I will have a hard time identifying what is occurring.

Currently im trying to debug it, by duplicating the wizard blueprint, and start removing nodes / functions / variables from it and save, see if it would crash or not,…If i remove everything, it would save , but removing partial things would cause a crash on save…still investigating, if i got nothing, ill do that dropbox sharing, and send you the link via pm here.

Just noticed something weird…IF i remove everything in the blueprint, then save WITHOUT compiling, it would crash…

But if i compiled it then saved while everything is removed, it works O_o

Alright, I fixed it weirdly…here is what i have done:

As you can see in the image, i have a custom event which is called OnReceiveMovementInput, so i removed the binding and the event, compiled, saved, no crash.

Then i recreated the binding, and the event, compiled, saved, no crash.

Then i hooked everything as it used to be, and everything worked right, still no crash when save.

Any idea what the hell is happening? :confused:

Okay, this is getting annoying, here is the last situation of the wizard class:

-Whenever i delete all nodes in event graph,then compile, then save; it saves with no crashes.
-After that, I press ctrl+z to undo, getting back my nodes, compile and save, saves correctly, no crash.

-saving afterward doesnt crash, but if i exit unreal engine, then come back, saving would cause a crash :confused:

I still didnt figure out how to reproduce it, but im still working on that.

Hi ,

Have you been able to get the project to an FTP server? I am more than happy to take a look at what is going on once it is available.

I will do that soon, since I got the wizard blueprint corrupted again :confused:

But this time i caught the tip of the string (if that makes any sense lol)

Last time when my wizard went corrupted, I remember I was working on it on the morning, then i saved everything, left unreal opened and put Laptop to sleep, then went to have breakfast…

When i came back, i noticed that the project was running a bit slow
like 50% slow, compiling takes more time, saving takes doubled time, etc…

after that, the wizard went corrupted.

And today, i kinda did the same, was working on morning, saved it, closed laptop’s lid while unreal is running so the laptop go to sleep, then went to my college.

And there, i felt unreal going slow again, and when i closed unreal and reopened it, it crashed on start up.

Ill try to upload the project as soon as i can.