My audio cue is not playing?

I am currently trying to make my ball’s rolling audio to be louder based off its speed. I thought I had it set up, but it is not playing any audio.

It’s probably because you’re doing everything on tick.

Including starting the sound again :slight_smile:

Start the sound somewhere else, and change the volume on tick.


Even then, if we assume a velocity of 600cm/s, then multiplying the volume by 600 might not be a great idea :smiley: Perhaps you should remap your velocity to some more manageable values using Map Range Clamped


If your object is moving - start sound once (presumably loop sound cue)

else stop sound once

you can change set volume at tick, but you could set a timer at 0.1 sec (or less) to set volume based on velocity

also you can change pitch of the sound based on velocity for more realism.

or have three, four sounds for a range of velocities.

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I plan on having different surfaces and the different surfaces have different audios. What ideas do you have where I can achieve this without using event tick?

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I just have it set up to test to see if it works, after that I planed on doing math to make the audio more manageable. I never heard of map clamp though, I will look more into this.

There are a lot of standard ways of doing surface sounds with tick :slight_smile:

Here’s a random one

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