My app runs well on PC, but crashes on Android

I’m currently learning UE4 and I’ve written a small demo that draws different colorful shapes where the bullets hit. The demo runs well on PC, but when I installed it on Android it crashed immediately when the bullet hit the wall. I tried debug it with Nsight Tegra Debugger, the only information I got is “Execution of the target program is stopped for unknown reason.”, I doubt weather it’s a bug of UE4 or mine mistake , anyone can help ? Thanks in advance. The source code is in the attachment without Content resources.

Hello ,

Could you please provide the full log from the device that this crashed on, as well as the full callstack?

The full callstack is in the attachment, right after void AColorPainter::Paint(const FHitResult& Hit) returns, thanks.

Hello ,
I’ve upload the full project to github: .com/comfanter/AndroidProject.git

I made a small modification to the engine source.


 	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, AdvancedDisplay, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Collision)
	uint32 bReturnFaceIndexOnMove:1;


void UPrimitiveComponent::InitSweepCollisionParams(FCollisionQueryParams &OutParams, FCollisionResponseParams& OutResponseParam) const
	OutResponseParam.CollisionResponse = BodyInstance.GetResponseToChannels();
	OutParams.bTraceAsyncScene = bCheckAsyncSceneOnMove;
	OutParams.bTraceComplex = bTraceComplexOnMove;
	OutParams.bReturnPhysicalMaterial = bReturnMaterialOnMove;
	OutParams.bReturnFaceIndex = bReturnFaceIndexOnMove; // new
	OutParams.IgnoreMask = GetMoveIgnoreMask();

The app crashes on Android when the bullet hits the ColorPainterBP Actor.

Thank you for the log and callstack. It seems like it may be related to this warning message:

[2017.07.14-02.48.48:770] 0]LogStaticMesh:Warning: [SM_Plane1000_512] Mesh has more that 65535 vertices, incompatible with mobile; forcing 16-bit (will probably cause rendering issues).

Could you try simplifying this plane mesh or replacing it with a mesh that has less vertices? This is likely the issue if your painting is on this mesh.

Thanks for your reply. I removed SM_Plane1000_512 but it still crashed when I tried to paint on mesh 1v4_tieta_jz_tieta003_lyz.

Hello ,

I apologize for the delay, a bit busy at the moment but I just wanted to let you know that I’m still looking into this. I’ll likely get some time to look into it tomorrow.

Actually, something I just noticed is that Event Driven Loading is enabled. Can you try disabling that and see if it may help? It’s known to cause some Async loading issues.