Hey everyone, I’m currently building an APK to put in the Alpha section on Google Play Developer Console.
My issue is that my app will happily build in Shipping/Development but when it comes to actual distribution builds it fails.
I’ve been reading several posts on here to attempt to resolve the problem but with no luck. Everything seems to be installed properly, the deletion of saved and intermediate doesn’t help either!
I’m not sure how to go about resolving this. Any help and advice would be much appreciated!
EDIT: Just saw this warning as well
LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FTcpMessageTransportConnection///Thread_d84_0///####STATCAT_Advanced#### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FTcpMessageTransportConnection///Thread_3384_0///####STATCAT_Advanced####
2、the engine at last use “ant release” to make distribution apk.
use this command under [YourProjectRoot]/Intermediate/Android/APK/
you will see the real problem.
after run this command, you can check the error detail message, if you still can’t fix it,
you can google or post here:)
I just noticed that a Z:\ drive that I can’t access seems to be created during the building of the development APK, which is really strange. It assembles fine for development (it loads up but crashes on device which is a whole other issue in development mode) and fails to build altogether in distribution saying it can’t find the Z:\ drive which disappears AFTER the development build has finished and succeeded!