My AnimMontages are not playing when using an Animation Blueprint

Over the last month, I’ve been setting up a very complex animation state machine for my character’s movement. Recently, I started implementing AnimMontages for attacking, using AnimNotifies to spawn hitboxes at precise times for gameplay purposes. But when I play the AnimMontage while using the state machine, the animation only matches the sequence playing in the state machine. I could not find a way to overwrite it.

After this happened, I decided I would build an animation state machine myself using Blueprint. But even after unhooking the state machine, the character stays in a T-Pose when calling the Play Montage node. (I’ve realized there are some major advantages to using this node for my project - the ability to start animations midway through is pretty crucial for my game. I won’t go into details, but it’s necessary for rollback netcode.)

There are a few bizarre things about this. For one, Animation Sequences work just fine. It’s AnimMontages that are causing issues. But strangely enough, even when stuck in a T-Pose, the AnimNotifies in the montage still play. It still spawns a hitbox, and it still plays a sound via AnimNotify. It’s only the animation that does not change.

Can anyone help me figure out why these AnimMontages don’t seem to work for me? As a side note, I am not using the default Character class. This is a custom Pawn class. Solutions utilizing features unique to the Character class will not work here.

Video (standing and attacking use AnimMontages, but in this example, crouching uses an AnimSequence):

I’m not sure what you want is this,
[it might be something you already know]

If you want to overwirte the StateMachine animation with the AnimMontage, you have to add Slot ‘DefaultSlot’ Node between State Machine and Output pose.

I hope this helps you. :slight_smile:

This worked great! Thanks!

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