I recently made some rendering optimization that might have caused the following issue. One of the optimization that I did was to apply “Use Tick Pose When Rendering” option in an actor’s mesh settings. I don’t remember any other changes or can’t track the changes.
Here’s the issue that I’m having. I have an AI that attacks and an AI that follows. Both of them functions properly ONLY if I am facing them. If I look away they don’t either attack or follow. Let’s say I make one of the AI to follow and I run backward while that AI follows me which works fine. But If I face away and run then stop and wait for a couple of seconds then turn to look at the AI if It’s running toward me or followed me. Unfortunately it doesn’t. I find that AI standing at the same location I left it when I started running but since I faced that AI again, it starts to run toward me.
Is there any rendering or some settings that disables whatever behind me not to function? I can’t find the answer anywhere.
Some project settings that I should mention: - Nav Mesh → Runtime Generation → Dynamic - Nav System → - - Generate Navigation Only around Nav invokers → True - - Active Tiles Update Interval → 5