My AI has problems finding the path when flying or dynamic objects are obstacles.
I explain it:
-First: My AI carries an object from point A to point B.
-Second: The object at point B become to a static flying object.
-Third: My AI wants to go to point C but it can’t because the flying object is blocking shortest path.
(See drawing)
So I think that my AI does not know that the object is there and that it must go around it to get to point C.
Ok, in my case i solved it disabling the collision betwwen thr AI and the object. The AI can go through the flying object and go by the shortest way then. It was a solution because in my case is not important this collision in this moment.
Otherways the probleme was not resolved. The NavMesh does not know the object (Actor) is there. So the AI can not go around it.
Anyway, i wondering if does exists a solution to the original problem. I thing it can be useful to avoid collision and blocks between severals AI.