My AI blueprint doesn't move after spawn

Hi I just set the trigger box to spawn my AI_Blueprint,

it spawn right into correct transform. But doens’t move at all

when I just drag&drop my AI_Blueprint into viewport, it works perfectly

but if I spawn it, doesn’t move… just playing idle animation…
This is my blueprint nodes about Trigger box

And This is my AI blueprint

inside your AI, with the BP selected search on the right for: “pawn” → Auto possess AI → Set it to “spawned” instead of “placed in world”

Omg sir it start to sense me and walking!! :slight_smile:

However… it walking on the same spot. Can’t move at all

Is it wrong with the spawn location?

or the ‘Collision Handling Override’ pin action in the trigger box’s blueprint?


Yeap it solved. I just change ‘Collision Handling Override’ pin action

Always spawn → Try to Adjust Location Don’t Spawn If STill Colliding

Maybe, try to spawn it a bit higher, off the ground, if you see it falling it means its not stuck to the geometry

Also you need a NavMesh and use “ai move to” node

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Thanks for applying so fast.

You saved my day : )

Good luck with your work

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