My Active Ragdoll bodies keeps trying to go to 0,0,0

Greetings, does anyone know how can I solve my problem? I did an active ragdoll using the plugin “Control Physics” in general it does work well but from time to time its body parts try to go to the origin point in the world. In the video you can see how the upper body is fighting to move to the origin point, the lower body is kinematic but if is changed to simulated, it would also try to go to the origin point. It Physics body seems to be ok so I don’t really know what’s is happening, thanks you all for your attention.

Update: Found that every time the error occurred the log says :
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for upperarm_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for lowerarm_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for hand_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for upperarm_correctiveRoot_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for lowerarm_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for upperarm_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for upperarm_correctiveRoot_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for hand_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for pelvis
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for spine_02
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for spine_03
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for spine_04
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for spine_05
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for thigh_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for calf_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for ball_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for calf_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for ball_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for thigh_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for pelvis
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for thigh_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for calf_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for ball_l
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for calf_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for ball_r
LogPhysicsControlComponent: Warning: Failed to find bone data for thigh_r