My account got stolen

Recently my epic games account got stolen, person who stole it changed email to the account and password, I send massages to Epis support but it seems they just ignore me what can I do to get my account back ?

Greetings @789256303pl !

Just so you’re aware, this topic has been moved from the International forum category to the General - Feedback & Requests forum category.

Just remember, when posting, please review the categories to ensure your topic is posted in the most relevant space.

I have also sent your concern to our team. As soon as we learn more, we will send you an update either here or via DM.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Merry Christmas! :christmas_tree:

'- Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator :smiley:

Hey @789256303pl! Welcome to the Forums!

Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot anyone outside of Epic can do outside of using all of the following steps and contacting Epic through the designated link contained on this page:

Good luck and I hope you get your account back!

Greetings @789256303pl !

To add to what @Quetzalcodename outlined, you could follow the steps to either reset your password, or if you cannot access the current email on your account, you would could follow the steps outlined here.

If neither steps help resolve this issue you’re having, you would need to contact Player Support. If you have already done so, you should have received a ticket ID. Since your query was sent during the holiday season, it is possible that they haven’t addressed your issue yet due to the busy season.

After you have tried the steps above, please let us know if it has worked for you. Also please post your ticket ID here.

Also wishing you the best of luck in getting your account back!

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