Mutiple Inputs for the same action

Im sure this has been asked before but I want the left Analog stick and the dpad to control player movement but if i hook them both up at the same time neither work. I assume this is done on purpose but is there a straightforward way to get this working?

Hello, if you use one of our templates, you will find your inputs set up in Project Settings → Input

Expand Axis mappings - You’ll see MoveForward has many different inputs (Thumbstick Axis + keyboard keys)

Hope that helps!

In addition to mapping the input (the answer from ), with a blueprint you can create a custom event, then call the custom event from each “input” event

I would also recommend storing the input value into a variable before calling the custom event. This way, you can have more control on sensitivity, or whatever you need. On the d-pad you might want to increase the input value, but on the stick you might want to have a different amount.