Mutable vs Leader Pose

With the release of Mutable how does it compare to using leader pose for character customization?

Are there any benefits or reasons someone might use one over the other? Likewise what are their cons compared to each other?

There is no comparison. Its customization at the Mesh level. If I was to make a comparison, it would be the custom object/instance is similar to material/instance.

Requires modular design and workflow.

4 steps:

  1. Add skelatalmesh component.

2) Add a child customizable skeletal component.

3) Populate csk’s customizable object instance with instance of customizable object.

4) Customizable object.

Thanks for replying. There is one thing I can do with Leader Pose that I wasn’t sure how to do in Mutable.

With mutable I have to reference the meshes in the assets directly, I can’t make a mesh parameter. This doesn’t appear to be desirable for an RPG, because I’d like my items to hold a reference to the mesh to use.

Otherwise what I would have to do is have hundreds of enum parameters on the mutable object, and then have the same enum key stored on each item for the mesh they relate too. This is not desirable and messy.

With leader pose it’s just skeleton components, so I can assign the mesh stored in the item at runtime.

Sounds like a specific implementation for your game. There are many ways to implement customization. I don’t see why you can not make a skeletal mesh parameter. The Sample Customizer Menu are getting/setting its info to change it. Thus it can be done.

However, I don’t Guess… I Test! Download the plugin, see how it works, then you can figure out where and how it can be used in your game’s design. Its not full release yet so more features are coming.