[Music] Separated music areas


I’m pretty new to Blueprints and currently working on a simple scene. I’ve got a town with walls and entrances. Around that town is just as field. I’d like to add music to my town and when leaving into field, the town music should stop and field music starts. Also when entering the town the field music should stop and town music starts.
I’ve been watching plenty of videos on YouTube but unfortunately not the results as deserved.
Any idea how I can achieve such trigger system?

Reference Image:

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Can you give more detail on what exactly isn’t working? You’ve stated what results you’re looking for but results are you getting with what you’ve tried so far?


there’s no result so far since I couldn’t find proper videos on YouTube about that topic.
I try to understand how to separate and play 2 different sounds (background music) in the same Level when entering a certain area.

Hey so I actually was able to figure this out a while back and thought about making a video on it because there is none so I may do that when I get home today and link it!

It’s def easier to explain in video also instead of pics and snippets :smiley:

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this would be perfect! Leave the link in this topic, please.

Thank alot!

Absolutely will! Sorry for lagging on it, I was working on a chair component and have been grinding on another proj. Will get to this very soon! :slight_smile: