MultiWorld - Run different worlds in parallel with the option to transfer players and actors

v.1.3.0 - Unreal Engine 5.0 is now supported

Hi Version 1.3.0 of MultiWorld is now available. It adds support for Unreal Engine 5.0! Please read carefully the migration notes below. With this new version (for UE4.26, UE4.27 and UE5.0), it’s now easier to debug your Blueprints at run-time.


Version 1.3.0

Migration notes (from v1.2.0):

New features:

  • Added support for Unreal Engine 5 (UE5.0). Check Setup and Checklist - Unreal Engine 5 for important notes.
  • You can now use the common Pause/Step/Resume debug buttons when multiple Worlds are ticking in a Play-In-Editor session.
  • Breakpoints on Blueprints are now pausing all the ticking worlds.

Bug fixes:

  • UMG Widgets added to the viewport during the tick are now handled correctly: if they don’t live in the Active World (e.g. because crated in a Background World), they will be added later when the corresponding owning world will become the Active one.

Discord server


Hi! Version 1.4.0 of MultiWorld is now available.


Version 1.4.0

Migration notes (from v1.3.0):

  • The following methods of UMultiWorldOverrides have been renamed for consistency:
    • AddViewportWidgetContent() is now GameViewportClient_AddViewportWidgetContent();
    • AddViewportWidgetForPlayer() is now GameViewportClient_AddViewportWidgetForPlayer().
  • In the documentation of each method of UMultiWorldOverrides is now described how the call to the Super implementation must be handled, review your implementation accordingly.
  • UE5.0.2 fixed the issues introduced with UE5.0.0 and documented in the notes about UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(). The described workarounds are no more needed in UE5.0.2.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash in UE5.0 when closing a PIE session started with Net Mode set to Play As Client.
  • Fixed renaming packages in UE5.0 when using the Zen Loader (mainly in non-editor builds). One of the possible issues was UMultiWorldManager::LoadWorldAsync() freezing.

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Hello! MultiWorld hotfix 1.4.1 is now available.


  • Fixed: UMG Widgets can be garbage collected when initialised in a Background World.
  • Fixed: the audio device handle used by the viewport is not synced with the one of the Active World.

Discord server

Version 1.5.0 of MultiWorld is not available.

The update is available for UE4.26, UE4.27, UE5.0.


Version 1.5.0

New features

  • Added method UMultiWorldStatics::GetPlayerController() to workaround issues with the UE5 implementation of UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(). More info: MultiWorld: GetPlayerController in UE5

Bug fixes

  • Fixed ULocalPlayer referencing the wrong UPlayerController during UWorld ticking of Background Worlds.
  • Fixed Level Streaming refreshing content on World Switching.


MultiWorld participates to the UE Marketplace Back Friday sale! Get it now: MultiWorld in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

(support for UE5.1 will be available soon)

The update of MultiWorld for Unreal Engine 5.1 has been submitted to Epic for review. We’ll update this thread when it will be available in the UE Marketplace.

Version 1.6.0 of MultiWorld is now available: added support for UE5.1, added support for World Partition, added support for Enhanced Input.

The update is available for UE4.27, UE5.0, UE5.1.

Check the important migration notes.


Migration notes (from v1.5.0):

New features:

  • Added support for Unreal Engine 5.1.
  • Added support for the World Partition feature in UE5.1 (this feature is not supported on UE5.0).

Bug fixes:


Hi! The demo project for multiworld on GitHub is now updated to the latest version of the plugin API (v.1.6.0):

The master branch contains the project for UE5.1. Other versions of Unreal Engine are in the other available branches.

If you want to see what the plugin does, you can download a build of the demo here:



Hello! MultiWorld v1.7.0 is now available: it contains a number of bug fixes, a renewed sample project and new trailer/tutorial videos.


For a detailed list of what’s changed in v1.7.0, please read:


A new demo with renewed samples for UE5.1 is now available on GitHub:

A pre-built demo is also available:


We published new videos to help working with MultiWorld:

Hotfix v1.7.1

Hotfix v1.7.1 is now available for UE5. It fixes a possible crash caused by a bug in UE5 when a UWorld instance is ended. More details in the changelog:

For support:

Hello everyone! The update of MultiWorld for UE5.2 has been submitted to Epic for review on May 20th, it will be available as soon as Epic will approve it. We’ll post an updated when the new version will be available.

Version for UE5.2 is now available

Hello everyone! MultiWorld for UE5.2 is now available in the UE Marketplace. You can install it from the Epic Games Launcher.

Hotfix v1.7.3

Hotfix v1.7.3 is now available for for UE5.1 and UE5.2. It fixes VR head tracking not working in Secondary Worlds.

More details in the changelog:

For support:

v1.8.0 - UE5.3 support

Hello! MultiWorld is now available for UE5.3.

The update is available also for UE5.1 and UE5.2 since the new version v1.8.0 includes a few fixes and a new minor feature. You can read more in the changelog.

Hotfix 1.8.1 is now available

Hello! We released the hotfix v1.8.1 of MultiWorld. Details in the changelog:

Hotfix 1.8.2

Hello! Hotfix v1.8.2 of MultiWorld is now available and fixes an assert in UE5.3 when loading a map using the World Partition: changelog

v1.9.0 is available

Hello! MultiWorld v1.9.0 is now available!

It contains important new features and bug fixes, with improved support for Level Sequences, Sublevels and Distance Fields.

All the details in the changelog

Thanks to all users that contributed to this release.

Discord server:

Multiworld is an awesome plugin. I wish it worked at EditTime, but it still solves a lot of mysteries. I purchased this plugin on sale a while ago. Recently I’ve been getting this message:

Even though I own it. I did move it from the /marketplace/ folder to my project’s plugin folder for easier source perusing. Is this an Epic Marketplace problem?

Hello! Thanks fore enjoying MultiWorld!

I suppose there’re some issues in Epic backends at the moment, maybe related to new features/products they’ll present in the next hours at GDC.

In a future update we’ll add the specific error code returned by Epic when checking the entitlement, in this way it will be easier to report the problem to Epic.

Hotfix v1.9.1

Hello! MultiWorld v1.9.1 is now available!


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