I want to upload a very simple plugin to the Marketpace which has been developed using UE5 (5.3). I wanted to make it compatible with any version of UE5 (5.0, 5.1 …) and if possible with 4.27 too. I saw that you can specify the version in the .uplugin file, but you can also leave it empty (which I did). How can I support multiple versions? I haven’t tried building the plugin with other versions but it is very simple and it shouldn’t have any issues as the only thing I’m using outside the “normal” is “Async”. Does anyone know how to do that?
On another note, I was wondering what the format of the plugin is when uploading it to the marketplace? I know for Unity the formats are either .unitypackage or .tgz, but for Unreal I couldn’t find any info, I just saw that you can upload a zip file from the seller’s portal. If I package the plugin, it is not package into a file or anything, a folder is created instead. Is this the way to go?