Multiple texture compression types in one APK?

I know you can already package an Android game with “ALL” compression schemes in one APK. That’s really undesirable though. It bloats the file size of the APK like crazy. For 2D games with retro pixel graphics, you might get away with it. But it’s simply not feasible at all if you’re making a 3D game…

I would like to be able to combine only one or two compression schemes in one APK. For example, an APK that supports ATC and ETC1, but nothing else.

ATC because many of the most popular devices support it (from what I’ve researched and observed), but ETC1 is there to serve as a fallback for everything else.

Would this be possible at all in the future? (or is it already?? :)) In other words, instead of letting us choose “ALL or only one” texture compression format, let us tick checkboxes from a list instead to combine them in any way we wish. (If the APK format doesn’t actually allow this, then forget anything I’ve just said.)

If this isn’t possible then it would be nice if UE4’s packaging features could at least be streamlined to make the following process easier:

Thanks for reading.

You can set up a custom profile in Project Launcher to include the cooked platforms (select by the book). There are checkboxes for each texture format for Android here. Also select you want to package.

I hadn’t noticed that before, thank you so much! That’s exactly what I was looking for.