Multiple projects with same name


I’m working with engine source from GitHub.

For some specific reasons (developing for console) I need to have my project under the engine folder.

I’m using Perforce for version control, and when I create a branch of my project, it creates a copy of the project, which falls in the same dir where is the master branch.

So, just to be clear, I have a “MyProject” folder under the engine folder; into “MyProject” I have two more folders, “MyProject_Master” and “MyProject_Branch”.

The problem is that UBT complains because I have two projects with the same name under the engine folder (which is not currently supported, it says).

On the other hand, if I branch through Perforce, I cannot branch outside of the workspace folder…

How can I handle this situation?

Do you mean renaming the .uproject file manually?

Go into your UE4 projects folder (Usually Located in the documents folder) And rename the files manually. (You can rename all of them with no problems)

Yes, is that what you meant?

Hmm. Not quite. I can’t just rename it.

Windows 10. If I just rename the .uproject file, it won’t compile anymore…

Why not? What is your OS?

I have same issue or Meta quest 3 VR Headset project name