Multiple Of The Same Actor

I’ve been wanting to make a key and door system which has certain keys for doors and that the character can interact with them and the other actors interact with the right actor without a problem and doesn’t involve a array.

What’s your question again?

You do not need to keep anything in the array although it simplifies a lot of things.

Okay then after you place the doors and keys in your level, Add a tag to each that is the same for keys that match their doors, and in the blueprint code for the door, have it check the door’s tags against the tags of the keys that are in the interacting player’s inventory. If a matching tag is found then we interpret that to mean the key fits the lock.

This way each key and door only need to know about themselves, and nothing has to keep track of which thing goes with what.

How would I do this,I am quite new to this
Atm on my C4 bit I got this

OK. Have you gone through the door and key actors in your level and given them Tags? You can do this in the Details pane on each actor when you select it.

Yeah I have done that with the them bridge with tag 1 and two c4s with tag 1 and then the other bridge tagged with 2 and the 2 c4s with it tagged with 2.


thanks you for the help it now works

Okay now in your Blueprint code you need to have it test whether the actors have matching Tags. There are blueprint nodes that get actors which have a specific Tag, and I think there are others which tell you which Tags they have. You can loop over those and see if there is a match between the keys the player has and the doors the player is overlapped with.