Hey guys!
So i did have this post originally as something else but as i narrowed down the issue, it seems that on occasion my player blueprint will be corrupt. It happened each time with different blueprints being referenced, but both times it has started, I have not been able to open or right click it. I believe this is a problem with my barrel mechanic because when I open my Barrel_Explosive blueprint it fixes the player. However, If I close and reopen the editor, the issue persists
In response to a comment, I have left a reply to this thread with links to a folder of files that potentially could help reproduce the issue. It includes the player, barrel, referenced assets, references of references, etc. Could someone try adding them until it breaks?
Hello AWPlays49,
I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.
Quick questions:
- Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
- If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
- Could you provide screen shots of any blueprints/settings that may be involved with this issue?
Additional note: After taking a quick look at the callstack, could you try going through and unhooking anything that could be calling an object name (example “get display name”)?
Hi @,
I had not tried another project but will now. In case its sort of a project-specific issue, I attached files in this comment necessary for the reproduction of the crash. The only things the grenade and this new barrel have in common is the reference in the player bp and the explosion particle, also included in the link. I do however know this is probably linked the the barrel_explosive bp, and opening barrel_explosive fixes it for the current unreal session and then i can open my player.
If i missed any necessary files let me know!
@ just read that last part of your comment. I dont think anything is calling an object name. Do you know what that might have derived from?
@ I’ll provide my project zipped
Sorry it took me a few minutes, i had to zip and upload it.
Thank you for providing for information. However, if you would like to provide assets for me to take a closer look at, could you providing them in a zipped down project? This will provide information on how you are setting everything up. If the file is too large, you could provide a link to a zipped down project via or drop box.
After running several tests I was able to find that issue appears to share the same root cause as the issue linked below. I then proceeded to test your project on an internal build (that included the solution for the issue linked below) and the issue no longer occurs. I hope that this information helps.
Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-39323)
Make it a great day