Multiple multiplayer online servers on single multiplayer map

Hey guys, I’ve not looked into the multi player server tools yet but would like to have say for example 4 on line servers running just one single map. Idea being the exact same map is on all 4 servers but each of the 4 servers only takes responsibility for 1/4 of the players, with the hopeful end result being being able to run a single multi player map with hundreds of players at once. Is this possible, and if not how could we make it possible. Id also like the ability for this to scale well, for massive multi player worlds with 20-30 servers and thousands of players on the same map. Cheers

I would split by Region instead of player. So you only have to pass the information when a player travels.

I don’t think that would work well, if by region you mean each server.exe takes control of the 1/4 of the map. If 75% of all the players are in that area then the server would get overrun. The best way i think will be per player or maybe splitting up tasks per server.exe (e.g one takes care of synchronisation, one collisions, one projectiles, one AI etc). Would love some feedback from devs.

Hi KingBadger3d,
I was interested in trying to implement something similar to what you are talking about. I was curious if you made any headway? Also any information you could share related to this topic you could throw my way would be appreciated.

Short Answer: NO built-in Server-to-Server communication, but there are 3rd party solutions.