Hi all,
I know I can get what key I just pressed with the Any Key event, but is there a way to get what keys (plural) I pressed on the keyboard at the same time? How would you approach it?
Would this work? You have 1s to press the keys, otherwise it gets reset. This does not take any sequencing into account, but can be done.
anyway cant catch more than 6 at same time…
maybe a hardware limitation?
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Keyboard rollover (KRO) would depend on the keyboard. 2KRO being the most basic, 6KRO standard, some keyboards have “no” limit - NKRO.
Mash face against keyboard, see what happens:
Good page! thanks for the info.
It has a test and yes. My Keyboard allows 6 simultaneos presses
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I think this could be helpfull, thanks.
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