Multiple instances of an animation blueprint (for Maya live link)

I’m making a tool to make it easy to load my Maya assets into Unreal, to use Maya Live Link.

To sync between Maya and Unreal, I need to create an Animation Blueprint and in the AnimGraph, use the Live Link Pose node, selecting the Maya character it corresponds to.

My problem comes when I have multiple characters, because dragging my Animation Blueprint onto the scene creates a Skeletal Mesh that uses that Animation Blueprint. If I have 2 characters they will both share that Animation Blueprint and if I change the character in the node from the AnimGraph, it changes in both.

So do I need to have an Animation Blueprint for each character? Isn’t there a way to have different instances for each of the characters?


Any help would be appreciated :pray:

I am afraid you have answered your own question as you guessed… They share the same blueprint animation. therfore any changes you make will result on both.

You could make child blueprints of the animation and use them in each individual actor/pawn so they are seperated. Just make sure you target the correct child blueprint animation and not the master.