Multiple Instances of a Widget that share a variable but have different values

I have a widget that i create with a ForLoop 4 times, that widget contains a “Self ID” Integer variable which i increment on event construct. The widget also has a button which is hooked up to a PrintString that displays the “Self ID” value. I thought since i am creating 4 different widgets with my ForLoop, each instance of it would have a different integer as their “Self ID”, however all 4 instances return a value of one. Can someone explain what i am missing? It seems like that the event construct is only firing once regardless of the amount of times my loop is running. Thank you!

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Variables are not shared, each instance contains its own variables.
Every time you create a widget, the created widget starts with Self ID = 0 (default value), then event Construct runs on that instance, increasing its value to 1.

To achieve what you want, you should add a counter variable in the blueprint doing the ForLoop. Every loop, create new widget, increase counter by 1, and assign the created widget’s SelfID to the current value of the counter.


Dude… Thank you so much! I’ve been at it for hours. Just tested it and works perfectly, thank you!

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