Multiple inheritance in Blueprint Scripting, is it possible?


3 actor (or actor component or wherever else):

ClassA have variable “VarA” and function “FuncA”
ClassB have variable “VarB” and function “FuncB”

Its not a interface, ClassA know how implement FuncA by himself, ClassB - same.

I want ClassC inherited from ClassA and ClassB, with its own var and func. And if i cast ClassC to ClassA and call FuncA - i want execute code from ClassA without any overload.

Is it possible in blueprint scripting?

Blueprint is like class and you can not inherit from 2 class, only from 2 interface.

Make object C with references to A and B. And call C->a->FuncA() C->b->FuncB()

I see. Its sad, but ok. Thanks anyway

Its not a way. But thanks. I accept it as a answer “No, its not possible”

You can inherit from two classes in C++ so just because it’s a class doesn’t mean it can’t have multiple inheritance.

It could be if only one of your classes is UObject

You can try classB inherited by classA and then ClassC inherited by ClassB…
ClassA->ClassB->ClassC then you can get all data in classC be default.

You cannot inherit from two or more UObject derived classes to prevent inefficient diamond inheritance. It makes the reflection slow and confusing.

However, you can use composition using components. In your example you would have componentA and componentB, some Actor class C can have either or both ComponentA||B and call their functions respectively.

Components are the best way to have flexible composition in ue4