Multiple grooms causes Unreal Engine 4.25 to crash

This is my first time posting a question so please forgive me if I am doing this wrong. I’m trying to set up a scene with 4 characters for an animated film. I created custom grooms for each character using Blender 2.9 and imported them into Unreal Engine. I can bring a character into the level and attach the groom with no issues, however as soon as I try to add a second character with a groom Unreal Engine completely freezes up and I have to restart my PC. Not even ending the task works. Is anyone else having this issue?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

My computer specs are:
Processor: Intel Core i9-9900K 3.60GHz
Ram: 128GB
NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000

Hi! I dont understand what is groom? Is it 3d model? Is it anim?
Also can you share some logs after meeting the problem? (they can be found in Saved/Logs subfolder of project)

Just commenting to mention I have had the same issue with multiple grooms in 4.25. Not just crashing, either.
I had two identical blueprint characters (using the same Alembic groom from Maya Xgen) in a level with seemingly no issues, and even duplicated it a few times to 3 or 4 with no issues.
Then, I went to go place a new blueprint class in the level using a different Alembic groom. After fiddling with the hair’s settings and it looking fine in viewport (albeit with a GPU/D3D crash-out once or twice), I went to go PIE and found that, with the Angular Springs solver enabled, the second Alembic groom was half-disappearing and collapsing through the skeletal mesh it was bound to. It would also very soon crash the GPU/D3D crash-out error.
I switched it to Cosserat Rods and it seemed not to collapse, however it would crash just as often, even after starting back up the editor and seeing it in the viewport would crash (causing a crash-loop until I removed the blueprint file from the content folder.)

After removing from the level the other 2 blueprints with the initial Alembic groom, this second Alembic groom starting behaving perfectly (just as the initial one was prior.)

So it seems to be an issue with more than one type of groom being placed in the scene?

Hi, can you elaborate a bit more about that issue?
Probably i am facing a similar situation and i don’t know how to deal with it,
I have an abc groom file and several geometry caches for different shots.
So i am creating bindings for each geo cache with the same abc groom.
in two levels i can render without an issue, but when i try to render a third one it keeps crashing