Multiple errors when creating new C++ class

Hi there!
I recently created a C++ class in multiple projects, but I always get a ton of errors when I make a new C++ class and I don’t know how to solve them, I’ve tried building the sollution file, I’ve tried deleting binaries, intermediate and saved folders and then generating visual studio code again, all of that doesn’t seem to fix anything.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I already tried reinstalling unreal engine too.

Thanks for the help.

Most of the time you can ignore the issues reported by visual studio in the error tab. Try to build, and it should work. If not, I advise you to check the output tab instead and see the errors there. Those same errors are added to the error tab but usually all the way at the bottom. Perhaps change the error log to only show build errors instead of Build + IntelliSense, since IntelliSense is struggling a bit with Unreal

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thanks for the help